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Ayurveda tips and tricks to stay cool this summer!

Dr Sharon Samuel

Updated: Aug 15, 2024

By Dr. Sharon Samuel

The steady northward journey of the Sun began with uttarayana and as human beings belonging to the oldest civilisation that was, we not only survived summer but also devised different hacks to protect ourselves while harnessing the power of the heat for health. We used the Sun and it’s heat to prepare appalams and vadams, pickles and sun-dried delicacies, moisture free, self-preserved spice powders that can be stored and used for months together. We used the heat outside to bring warmth within the community by creating such leisure opportunities to come together, share stories and experiences while staying productively occupied. I am always in awe of the synergetic view of our cultural heritage.  

Ayurveda, the science of life, puts forth every Rtu (season) as an renewed chance to understand oneself, align with nature and heal through the transitions. In Greeshma Rtu (summer), the sun takes over. It shines brighter, the temperature gradually rises, dryness sets in and the body begins to adapt to the harsh environmental conditions. This leads to alteration in the bodily doshasKapha dosha from the Vasantha (Spring) settles down and Vata dosha begins to pick up pace along with a slight, fleeting elevation of Pitta. There is increased sweating and vasodilation that promotes cooling as well as resulting in increased water loss. There are some other subtle changes like adjustments in the circadian rhythm, increased BMR and energy needs, skin adaptations and mood changes. There are advantages too like Vitamin D production which can be enough to sustain us through darker and colder months. Sunlight is known to elevate serotonin levels and thereby create a better and positive mood. When planned well, summers can be seasons of happiness and optimum mental well-being, paving way for a healthier year to come.

Here are a few simple tips to help ease the fiery months of summer:

Stay hydrated without disturbing the appetite

We are prone to dehydration in summer and this leaves us with a constant feeling of fatigue. Drinking water through the day can instantly correct this state. The catch here is that water lowers your appetite. To avoid this, consciously choose to include water-rich fruits and vegetables like melons, cucumbers, gourds. Drink more buttermilk, freshly squeezed sugarcane juice, mango juice, milk, water infused with cucumber or mint. Avoid excessive consumption of ice-cold beverages as they can disrupt digestion very easily. There is also a clear warning to avoid alcohol and reduce caffeine.

Planned diet to nourish right, knowing Vata is in charge

Physical Activity with adequate rest and sleep

Mental Well-being in togetherness

Modify the environment and enjoy the Sun

So, let’s bask in the summer sun, knowing that we have to maintain a controlled vata increase and also enable kapha stability. This is easily achieved with a right way of life. Following the rules of nature will preserve energy and help prepare the body for a healthier varsha rtu . Let us make our summer wholesome. 



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